All service questions can be directed to Sheriff Boyd's Administrative Assistant Jayne Hoff at 361-645-1262 or email

For non-emergencies, contact us at:

(361) 645-3451

To report an emergency dial: ​911


Civil Service Fees

Open Records Request

Texas Government Code, Chapter 552, gives you the right to access government records; and an officer for public information and the officer’s agent may not ask why you want them. All government information is presumed to be available to the public. Certain exceptions may apply to the disclosure of the information. Governmental bodies shall promptly release requested information that is not confidential by law, either constitutional, statutory, or by judicial decision, or information for which an exception to disclosure has not been sought.


 The public can request copies of criminal records on-file with the Goliad County Sheriff's Office.  Records of offenses committed in other counties and states cannot be obtained through this office.

All records requests must be submitted in-writing using the 'Open Records Request' form which we provide.  This can be done in-person, via fax  (361-645-2230), email or by U.S. Mail.  All pertinent information about the person documented in the record, should be provided in the request.  


Please be advised that officers have ten (10) business days to complete a crash a report. If your crash was worked by a DPS Officer than you must request the report from the DPS office in Floresville (830-393-2536) We will only have the Call for Service. 




If the requestor was involved in the incident: FREE

If the requestor was not involved in the incident: $5


All accident reports are $5

Fees collected for our deputies when they serve documents to the public are set by the District/County Clerk's Office.

Currently the fees are: ​

If an individual requests us to serve a document such as:

  • Petiton for divorce
  • Subpoena
  • Citation or Summons

The fee is $100 per document.

If the individual files paperwork with a Justice of the Peace, they will collect the $100.00 and forward it to us. Sometimes the Justice of the Peace will require the individual to send their own payment with the document to be served. 

The only exception to this is:

  • If the person who is requesting that the document be served qualifies as indigent, there will be a form attached and approved by a court waiving fee. 
  • If another Sheriff's Office or law enforcement agency sends us a subpoena, citation or summons we do not charge them a fee. The delivery of the document is provided as a courtesy by our agency.
  • Citations, Precepts, Summons sent to us by the Attorney General's Office are not applicable to a fee. This is also provided as a courtesy. 
  • Citations, Precepts to Serve, Precepts to Serve Indictments, Summons and other documents issued by Goliad County Court System are not charged a fee. (Juvenile, County and District Courts)
  • A taxing entity such as a school district, etc. does not pay a fee for delivery of tax suit documents; however if and when the delinquent taxes are paid- the tax entity charges a service fee to the party served and that fee is forwarded to our agency.​​​​